Psychologist and doctor in Clinical Psychology by the University of Barcelona with clinical and research experience in the public network of mental health as well as in private practice


  • Registered psychologist, member 27101 of the Col·legi de Psicologia de Catalunya
  • Doctor in Clinical Psychology by the University of Barcelona having conducted my research at behavioral and eating disorders units from Bellvitge University Hospital
  • Currently working as a psychologist in a behavioral addictions outpatients clinic belonging to the public mental health network
  • I collaborate with the Psychological Clinic of the University of Barcelona
  • Associate professor of Psychology at Tecnocampus-UPF
  • Trained in different institutions of the public mental health network of Catalonia (Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, Hospital Universitari Mútua de Terrassa, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu)
  • Master in General Health Psychology, University of Barcelona
  • BS in Psychology, University de Barcelona
  • BA in Sociology, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
  • Researcher in the field of Clinical Psychology
  • Coauthor of more than thirty scientific papers in high impact journals in the field of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry
  • Teaching experience in courses and masters' programs
  • International stays at Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) and at the Institut Fédératif des Addictions Comportementales of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes (France
  • Speaker at national and international conferences and congresses
  • Participation as researcher in international projects


Therapeutic approach

I have been trained in different orientations and therapeutic techniques and I apply in each case, and in agreement with the patient, the most appropriate intervention according to the characteristics and demands of the patient, always applying those treatments that have proven to be most effective.

I conduct between two and four initial sessions to assess the case and agree with the patient what objectives we are going to work on and the best therapeutic option.

Psychological therapy helps not only to improve symptoms, but also provides strategies for greater insight and to feel better about oneself and one's relationship with others. It also allows people to modify the narrative they have about themselves, about the world, and about their interpersonal relationships.

I offer therapy in Spanish, Catalan, English and French.

Services list

  • Individual psychological assessment and treatment of emotional and psychological problems and difficulties in adults:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Behavioral addictions (gambling, gaming and social networks, sex addiction, buying-shopping addiction…)
  • Eating behaviour problems
  • Difficulties in establishing healthy and satisfying relationships with others
  • Feelings of emptiness and loneliness, low self-esteem
  • Life crisis
  • Difficulties in managing stress
  • Difficulties in regulating emotions


You can send me a message on WhatsApp, Linkedin or an email. I will contact you as soon as possible.

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